Thu Apr 04 2019 Edward Leung <edward.leung@oracle.com> - 0.7.9-1.0.1
- Start getty on tty1 [Orabug: 18815298] (Dwight Engen)
- Replace RHEL refrences
- fix rsyslog check script
- fix yum repositories check script
- disable check for non-Oracle groups
Fri Feb 15 2019 Petr Stodulka <pstodulk@redhat.com> - 0.7.9-1
- Remove legacy grub before installation of grub2
Related: rhbz#1618926
Tue Feb 12 2019 Petr Stodulka <pstodulk@redhat.com> - 0.7.8-1
- Add check for Linux Disk Layout usage on s390x arch
Resolves: rhbz#1618926
Fri Oct 05 2018 Petr Stodulka <pstodulk@redhat.com> - 0.7.7-1
- services/tomcat: migrate config files and webapps to the new paths correctly
- networking/samba: improve the informational message
- Related: rhbz#1613347
Wed Sep 05 2018 Petr Stodulka <pstodulk@redhat.com> - 0.7.6-1
- system/pam: fixes hanging in specific cases and improves report
- system/BinariesRebuild: fixes issues with empty blacklist file
- backup configuration files only into dirtyconf and cleanconf dirs
- add module to inhibit upgrade when system/java-1.8.0-ibm is installed
- fixes chmods when it is handled in python scripts
Resolves: rhbz#1613347
Tue Jun 12 2018 Petr Stodulka <pstodulk@redhat.com> - 0.7.5-1
- system/requirements: check dmidecode and dmesg before use
- set correctly custom selinux policy set by semanage
- fix the initscripts module and follow the best practices
Related: rhbz#1585208
Fri Jun 01 2018 Petr Stodulka <pstodulk@redhat.com> - 0.7.4-1
- set upgrade path RHEL 6.10 -> RHEL 7.6
- rename correctly netowrk interfaces regardless amount of existing
- system/java: handle corerectly i686 RPMs
- system/grubby: set as not applicable on ppc64 arch
Resolves: rhbz#1585208
Wed Apr 04 2018 Petr Stodulka <pstodulk@redhat.com> - 0.7.3-1
- Unset the release when it is set in subscription-manager
- add quotes for readlink in drivers/* modules so they will not crash
- In case of multiple network interfaces with the "ethX" naming, their names
are changed to a persistent custom "netX" to retain the functioning network
across the upgrade
- openssh/sshd: the module has been rewritten significantly to
provide correct data to user and be sure the sshd configuration is valid
- Related: rhbz#1546107
Fri Feb 16 2018 Petr Stodulka <pstodulk@redhat.com> - 0.7.2-1
- check free space on boot
- system/requirements: fix check of RAM size
- Provide directory for third party modules.
- initscripts/control: update preset file for RHEL7.5
- system/python: handle ownership of directories by more rpms
- Resolves: rhbz#1546107
Thu Nov 09 2017 Jakub Mazanek <jmazanek@redhat.com> - 0.7.1-1
- text polishing
- initscripts/control: Add msg how to migrate custom init scripts
- to unit files
- removed stray output from few modules
- networking/dovecot: resolves troubles with first_valid_uid
- rewrite openssh/sysconfig to provide correct output data and fix
- false negative report
Resolves: rhbz#1372872 rhbz#1388967