Wed Aug 21 2019 Martin Osvald <mosvald@redhat.com> - 2.8.71-11
- add pcp to /etc/aliases (#1609875)
- set PATH if it is empty in csh.login (#1625629)
Thu Jun 21 2018 Ondrej Vasik <ovasik@redhat.com> - 2.8.71-10
- fix crudp name in /etc/protocols (#1566469)
- do not list /sbin/nologin and /usr/sbin/nologin in /etc/shells
Wed Nov 22 2017 Ondrej Vasik <ovasik@redhat.com> - 2.8.71-9
- change the URL of the upstream (#1502427)
Fri Nov 17 2017 Ondrej Vasik <ovasik@redhat.com> - 2.8.71-8
- fix group id for tape in /etc/group (should be 33) (#1433020)
- provide a way how to override set envvars through sh.local file(#1344007)
- provide a way how to override set ennvars through csh.local file
Wed May 04 2016 Ondrej Vasik <ovasik@redhat.com> - 2.8.71-7
- add basic empty subuid/subgid files for docker (#1311278)
- specify full path to utilities in /etc/profile and /etc/bashrc
Fri May 22 2015 Ondrej Vasik <ovasik@redhat.com> - 2.8.71-6
- change reservation of 185:185 to jboss user (#1192413)
- reserve uidgid pair 167:167 for ceph (#1221043)
- reserve uidgid for systemd-network(192:192) (#1213820)
- reserve uidgid for systemd-resolve(193:193) (#1213820)
- mention systemd-jounal-gateway can be dynamic (#1213820)
Fri Aug 15 2014 Ondrej Vasik <ovasik@redhat.com> - 2.8.71-5
- reserve uidgid pair 142:142 for activemq (#1086923)
- add xfs to /etc/filesystems, fallback to /proc/filesystems
Wed Mar 12 2014 Ondrej Vasik <ovasik@redhat.com> - 2.8.71-4
- require system-release for saner dependency order (#1075578)
Tue Feb 25 2014 Ondrej Vasik <ovasik@redhat.com> - 2.8.71-3
- add more securetty required for mainframes (#1067347)
- set SHELL envvar to /bin/bash in bashrc (#1063552)
Fri Dec 27 2013 Daniel Mach <dmach@redhat.com> - 2.8.71-2
- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27