Wed Nov 23 2016 Patsy Franklin <pfrankli@redhat.com> - 2016j-1
- Rebase to tzdata-2016ij
- Saratov region of Russia is moving from +03 offset to +04 offset
on 2016-12-04.
Wed Nov 02 2016 Patsy Franklin <pfrankli@redhat.com> - 2016i-1
- Rebase to tzdata-2016i:
- Cyprus is now split into two time zones as of 2016-10-30
- Tonga will reintroduce DST on 2016-11-06
Thu Oct 20 2016 Patsy Franklin <pfrankli@redhat.com> - 2016h-1
- Rebase to tzdata-2016h:
- Palestine will end DST on 2016-10-29 not 2016-10-21.
Wed Sep 28 2016 Patsy Franklin <pfrankli@redhat.com> - 2016g-2
- Rebase to tzdata-2016g.
- Turkey changed from EET/EEST (+02/+03) to permanent +03,
on 2016-09-07.
- A new leap second will be added on 2016-12-31 23:59:60 UTC.
Tue Sep 27 2016 Patsy Franklin <pfrankli@redhat.com> - 2016g-1.20160927.prerelease
- Change the Release to 1.20160927_prerelease.dist.
Mon Sep 26 2016 Patsy Franklin <pfrankli@redhat.com> - 2016g-1.prerelease
- Rebase to prerelease version of tzdata-2016g.
- Turkey changed from EET/EEST (+02/+03) to permanent +03,
on 2016-09-07.
- A new leap second will be added on 2016-12-31 23:59:60 UTC.
Tue Sep 20 2016 Patsy Franklin <pfrankli@redhat.com> - 2016f-2
- Interim builds to add support for leap second.
Tue Jul 05 2016 Patsy Franklin <pfrankli@redhat.com> - 2016f-1
- Rebase to 2016f
- Egypt cancelled DST.
- Asia/Novosibirsk transitions from +06 to +07 on 2016-07-24 at 02:00.
Tue Jun 14 2016 Patsy Franklin <pfrankli@redhat.com> - 2016e-1
- Rebase to 2016e
- Egypt reinstates DST.
Tue May 10 2016 Patsy Franklin <pfrankli@redhat.com> - 2016d-2
- Fix java conditionals to always build all the java tzdata. OpenJDK 7 is the
default/base Java. It is sufficient for building everything. (#1230903)