Tue Apr 26 2016 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink@redhat.com> - 20120801-26
- closing a file descriptor in a command substitution caused loss of the output (#1202439)
- fix: in a login shell "( cmd & )" does nothing (#1217237)
- exporting fixed with variable corrupted its data (#1192026)
- fix segfault when handling a trap (#1211540)
- combining alarm and IFS caused segfault (#1192119)
- declaration of a two dimemsional associatve array could add an extra 0 element (#1193557)
- do not inherit invalid variables during shell initializaton (#1211538)
- case in a for loop inside a subshell caused syntax error (#1241014)
Wed Sep 30 2015 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink@redhat.com> - 20120801-25
- ksh could hang when executed from removed directory (#1204639)
Tue Jun 02 2015 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink@redhat.com> - 20120801-24
- ksh crashed when disk was full (#1212993)
Tue Apr 07 2015 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink@redhat.com> - 20120801-23
- using trap DEBUG could cause segmentation fault (#1209383)
Mon Nov 24 2014 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink@redhat.com> - 20120801-22
- fix postun scriptlet (#1146161)
Tue Sep 30 2014 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink@redhat.com> - 20120801-21
- include symlink for restricted shell (#1146161)
- ksh hangs when command substitution containing pipe fills out the pipe buffer (#1138751)
- current directory could differ from PWD (#1135573)
- cd builtin could break IO redirection (#1133585)
- return code from a function could be wrong (#1116507)
Tue Jul 22 2014 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink@redhat.com> - 20120801-20
- fix segfault in job list code (#1084406)
- do not resend signal on termination (#1085385)
- fix brace expansion on/off (#1099935)
- fix incorrect rounding of numsers 0.5 < |x| <1.0 in printf (#1070871)
- fix parser errors related to the end of the here-document marker (#1111120)
- ksh hangs when command substitution fills out the pipe buffer (#1077090)
- using typeset -l with a restricted variabled caused segmentation fault (#1121960)
- monitor mode was documented incorrectly (#1100215)
- do not crash when unsetting running function from another one (#1100215)
- should report an error when trying to cd into directory without execution bit (#1109893)
- job locking mechanism did not survive compiler optimization (#1116506)
Wed Feb 26 2014 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink@redhat.com> - 20120801-19
- reading a file via command substitution did not work when any of stdin,
stdout or stderr were closed (#1070328)
Tue Feb 11 2014 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink@redhat.com> - 20120801-18
- fix lexical parser crash (#1062220)
Thu Jan 30 2014 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink@redhat.com> - 20120801-17
- add missing patch and rebuild (#1048995)