Fri Nov 04 2016 EL Errata <el-errata_ww@oracle.com> - 0.9.152-10.0.1
- replace logo pcsd/public/favicon.ico in tarball
- remove Source1 HAM-logo.png
Tue Sep 20 2016 Ivan Devat <idevat@redhat.com> - 0.9.152-10
- Fixed error when stopping qdevice if is not running
- Fixed removing qdevice from a cluster
- Fixed documentation regarding booth
- Fixed return code when no matching ticket constraint found during remove
- Resolves: rhbz#1158805 rhbz#1305049
Wed Sep 14 2016 Ivan Devat <idevat@redhat.com> - 0.9.152-9
- Added warning when stopping/destroying qdevice instance which is being used
- Fiexed removing qdevice from a cluster which uses sbd
- Fixed re-running "pcs cluster node add" if it failed due to qdevice
- Fixed documentation regarding booth
- Added warning when using unknown booth ticket option
- Added constraint ticket remove command
- Fixed return code and message when displaying node utilization for nonexistent node
- Fixed setting utilization attributes in web UI
- Fixed support for node utilization on remote node
- Fixed updating of selected group when displaying new resource dialog
- Fixed group list when managing cluster running older pcs in web UI
- Fixed displaying unmanaged status for resources for older pcs in web UI
- Fixed clone/master/unclone group/ungroup buttons for older pcs in web UI
- Fixed node standby/unstandby for older pcs in web UI
- Resolves: rhbz#1158805 rhbz#1308514 rhbz#1305049 rhbz#1158500 rhbz#1231858
Wed Aug 31 2016 Ivan Devat <idevat@redhat.com> - 0.9.152-8
- Fixed error message in node maintenance/unmaintenance commands
- Fixed missing line at the end of booth config
- Fixed documentation regarding booth
- Fixed remove multiple booth resources with "--force" flag
- Fixed cleanup of ip resource if it fails to create booth resource
- Added bash completion for booth
- Fixed display full booth configuration
- Added ability to display booth config from remote node
- Added support for ticket options during adding booth ticket
- Fixed adding node to cluster when booth is not installed
- Added restart command for booth
- Fixed check if auto_tie_breaker is required when enabling sbd
- Improved way of displaying status of unmanaged primitive resources in web UI
- Resolves: rhbz#1247088 rhbz#1308514 rhbz#1164402 rhbz#1264360
Fri Aug 19 2016 Ivan Devat <idevat@redhat.com> - 0.9.152-7
- Added possibility to hide inactive resources in "pcs resource show" command
- Fixed exceptions handling when waiting for response from user in command line
- Fixed nonexisting resource detection in pcsd
- Fixed SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT option value validation
- Removed possibility to change SBD_PACEMAKER
- Fixed exception when disabling service on systemd systems
- Added automatic auto_tie_breaker quorum option set whenever it is needed for SBD to work
- Fixed setting sbd watchdog in config
- Fixed error handling when upgrading cib schema
- Improved consistency of syntax 'pcs alert recipient add' command
- Resolves: rhbz#1298585 rhbz#1354498 rhbz#1346852 rhbz#1164402 rhbz#1315371 rhbz#1366307
Fri Aug 05 2016 Ivan Devat <idevat@redhat.com> - 0.9.152-6
- Fixed documentation regarding clufter
- Added possibility to change order of resources in a group in web UI
- Added support for unmanaged resources in web UI
- Added support for booth (cluster ticket manager)
- Resolves: rhbz#1357945 rhbz#1281391 rhbz#1264360 rhbz#1308514
Thu Jul 28 2016 Ivan Devat <idevat@redhat.com> - 0.9.152-5
- Fixed traceback when stopping pcsd shortly after start
- Fixed removing a dead node from a cluster
- Added support for clufter's 'dist' parameter
- Fixed filtering by property name in "pcs property show"
- Fixed an error in web UI when removing resources takes a long time
- Fixed occasional missing optional arguments of resources in web UI
- Improved help for alerts
- Fixed recreating a remote node resource
- Fixed exceptions when authenticating cluster nodes
- Fixed permissions for bash completion file
- Resolves: rhbz#1348579 rhbz#1225423 rhbz#1357945 rhbz#1302010 rhbz#1301993 rhbz#1346852 rhbz#1231858 rhbz#1315371 rhbz#1303136 rhbz#1329472 rhbz#1359154 rhbz#1349465
Fri Jul 15 2016 Ivan Devat <idevat@redhat.com> - 0.9.152-4
- Added colocation constraint support in web UI
- Fixed displaying cluster config when cib is provided as a file
- Removed side effect on /etc/hosts during build
- Recipient id is used as identifier in alarms
- Improved quorum device commands syntax
- Fixed pcs client for running on a remote node
- Resolves: rhbz#1281364 rhbz#1269242 rhbz#1353607 rhbz#1315371 rhbz#1158805 rhbz#1289418
Fri Jul 01 2016 Ivan Devat <idevat@redhat.com> - 0.9.152-3
- Added support for pacemaker alerts
- Added support for qdevice/qnetd provided by corosync
- Fixed sbd calls on python3
- Fixed bad request when resource removal takes longer than pcs expects
- Added support for set expected votes on a live cluster
- Added a wrapper for holding SELinux context when pcsd is started by systemd
- Resolves: rhbz#1315371 rhbz#1158805 rhbz#1164402 rhbz#1346852 rhbz#1327739 rhbz#1348579 rhbz#1349465
Wed Jun 22 2016 Ivan Devat <idevat@redhat.com> - 0.9.152-2
- Specified achitectures matching with pacemaker and corosync
- Resolves: rhbz#1299847