Tue Aug 13 2019 Tomáš Golembiovský <tgolembi@redhat.com> 1.15.0-1
- Wrapper changes:
* allow subprocess mode for OSP/RHV outputs
* make state writing atomic
* several minor bugfixes
Tue Jun 25 2019 Tomáš Golembiovský <tgolembi@redhat.com> 1.14.2-1
- Wrapper changes:
* fixes for Python 3 compatibility
Tue Jun 18 2019 Tomáš Golembiovský <tgolembi@redhat.com> 1.14.1-1
- Fix packaging on Fedora
Fri Jun 14 2019 Tomáš Golembiovský <tgolembi@redhat.com> 1.14.0-1
- Ansible changes:
* ansible: don't remove wrapper package on oVirt hosts (RHBZ#1718829)
- Wrapper changes:
* consume JSON machine readable output from virt-v2v
* remove ovirtmgmt bridge from non oVirt command lines
* various bugfixes around Python 3 support
* remove stray character from Kubernetes URL
* few other small bugfixes
- Kubevirt changes:
* move to quay.io
* dereference VDDK directory in entrypoint to avoid issues with symlink
Mon May 13 2019 Tomáš Golembiovský <tgolembi@redhat.com> 1.13.1-1
- Wrapper changes:
* run ssh-agent under same user as virt-v2v (RHBZ#1707983)
- Kubevirt changes:
* expect VDDK on different mount point to simplify deployment
Thu Apr 18 2019 Tomáš Golembiovský <tgolembi@redhat.com> 1.13.0-1
- Wrapper changes:
* fix VM ID lookup in RHV
* store VM ID in state (#23)
* drop XDG_RUNTIME_DIR from environment (RHBZ#1700461)
* make it possible to skip daemonizing
- Role changes:
* fix creation of .ssh directory (RHBZ#1698548)
* fix check task to allow checking SSH transport method (#50)
- improve Kubevirt conversion, and Kubevirt backend to wrapper
- fix wrapper symlink for backward compatibility
Mon Mar 25 2019 Tomáš Golembiovský <tgolembi@redhat.com> 1.12.1-1
- Wrapper changes:
* bugfix: chown tasks file in net_cls cgroup
* bugfix: fix missing call to parent constructor
Sun Mar 24 2019 Tomáš Golembiovský <tgolembi@redhat.com> 1.12.0-1
- Wrapper changes:
* add network throttling
* define tag in host class
* print VDSM version when RHV version check fails
* understand `unlimited` CPU as no limit
- Roles changes:
* added creation of .ssh dir for hosts
* uninstall virt-v2v-wrapper package
Wed Mar 13 2019 Tomáš Golembiovský <tgolembi@redhat.com> 1.11.0-1
- Wrapper changes:
* start virt-v2v in transient systemd unit
* allow CPU throttling
* extend error reporting to state file
* Fix cleanup of OSP volumes on error
* Fix incorrect VM name when using SSH transfer
- Roles changes:
* adapt roles for usage from ManageIQ (instead of hosts or oVirt Engine)
* makes roles idempotent
* small fixies here and there
Tue Jan 22 2019 Tomáš Golembiovský <tgolembi@redhat.com> 1.9.1-1
- Wrapper changes:
* Fix regex matching OSP volume IDs (BZ#1668049)
- Roles changes:
* Fix path to wrapper in uninstallation task
* Change again how we configure SSH keys for VMware; use only single key for
all hosts