Wed Mar 30 2022 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 0.48.0-1
- `packit source-git update-dist-git` and `packit source-git update-source-git` now check the synchronization of source-git and dist-git repositories prior to doing the update. If the update can't be done, for example, because the histories have diverged, the command provides instructions on how to synchronize the repositories. A `--force` option is available to try to update the destination repository anyway.
- Downstream synchronization of the Packit configuration file (aka `packit.yaml`) should be fixed. (#1532)
- Packit will no longer error out when trying to create a new Copr repository when it is already present (caused by a race condition). (#1527)
- Interactions with Bodhi should be now more reliable when creating Bodhi updates. (#1528)
Thu Mar 17 2022 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.47.1-1
- When using Packit CLI for creating Bodhi updates, you can now set `fas_username` and `fas_password`
in your Packit user config to not be asked about that when the command is executed. (#1517)
Tue Mar 08 2022 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.47.0-1
- When specfile is being generated, and both `specfile_path` and
`downstream_package_name` are not set, Packit now correctly resolves this
situation and sets `specfile_path` to the name of the upstream repo suffixed
with ".spec". (#1499)
- We are now building SRPMs for Packit's own PRs in Copr. For more info see #1490 and
https://packit.dev/docs/configuration/#srpm_build_deps (#1490)
- All source-git-commands were updated to append a `From-source-git-commit` or `From-dist-git-commit`
Git-trailer to the commit messages they create in dist-git or source-git, in order to
save the hash of the commits from which these commits were created. This information
is going to be used to tell whether a source-git repository is in sync with the
corresponding dist-git repository. (#1488)
- Spec file and configuration file are no more automatically added to the list of files
to sync when the `new files_to_sync` option is used. The old `synced_files` option is
deprecated. (#1483)
- We have added a new configuration option for Copr builds `enable_net` that allows you to
disable network access during Copr builds. It is also complemented by
`--enable-net/--disable-net` CLI options if you use Packit locally. (#1504)
Wed Feb 16 2022 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.46.0-1
- Synchronization of default files can now be disabled using a new config
`files_to_sync`. Key `sync_files` is now deprecated. (#1483)
- Packit now correctly handles colons in git trailer values in source-git commits. (#1478)
- Fedora 36 was added to the static list of `fedora-` aliases. (#1480)
Fri Feb 04 2022 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.45.0-1
- A new `packit source-git update-source-git` command has been introduced for
taking new changes from dist-git (specified by a revision range) to source-git.
These may include any changes except source code, patches and `Version` tag
changes in the spec file. ([packit#1456](https://github.com/packit/packit/pull/1456))
- There's a new configuration option `create_sync_note` that allows you to
disable creating of README by packit in downstream. ([packit#1465](https://github.com/packit/packit/pull/1465))
- A new option `--no-require-autosetup` for `source-git init` command has been
introduced. Please note that source-git repositories not using `
%setup -q
` may
not be properly initialized. ([packit#1470](https://github.com/packit/packit/pull/1470))
Thu Jan 20 2022 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.44.0-1
- Packit now correctly finds the release, even if you don't use the version as
the title of the release on GitHub. ([packit#1437](https://github.com/packit/packit/pull/1437))
- Local branches are now named as `pr/{pr_id}` when checking out a PR, even
when it's not being merged with the target branch. This results in the NVR
of the build containing `pr{pr_id}` instead of `pr.changes{pr_id}`. ([packit#1445](https://github.com/packit/packit/pull/1445))
- A bug which caused ignoring the `--no-bump` and `--release-suffix` options
when creating an SRPMs from source-git repositories has been fixed. Packit
also doesn't touch the `Release` field in the specfile unless it needs to be
changed (the macros are not expanded that way when not necessary). ([packit#1452](https://github.com/packit/packit/pull/1452))
- When checking if directories hold a Git-tree, Packit now also allows `.git`
to be a file with a `gitdir` reference, not only a directory. ([packit#1458](https://github.com/packit/packit/pull/1458))
Wed Dec 08 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.43.0-1
- A new `packit prepare-sources` command has been implemented for preparing
sources for an SRPM build using the content of an upstream repository.
- Packit now visibly informs about an ongoing cloning process to remove
potential confusion.
- The `upstream_package_name` config option is now checked for illegal
characters and an error is thrown if it contains them.
Thu Nov 25 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.42.0-1
- Running `post-upstream-clone` action in `propose-downstream` command was fixed.
This solves the issue for projects that generate the specfile during this action.
- New config option `env` has been added for specifying environment variables
used for running tests in the Testing Farm.
Thu Nov 11 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.41.0-1
- Packit now supports `changelog-entry` action that is used when creating
SRPM. The action is supposed to generate whole changelog entry (including
the `-` at the start of the lines) and has a priority over any other way we
modify the changelog with. (#1367)
- Fixed an issue, which raised an `UnicodeEncodingError`, when working with
dist-git patch files with an encoding other than UTF-8. (#1406)
- Backup alias definitions now reflect the official release of Fedora Linux 35. (#1405)
- We have introduced a new configuration option `merge_pr_in_ci` that allows
you to disable merging of PR into the base branch before creating SRPM in
service. (#1395)
- Fixed an issue, where spec-files located in a sub-directory of upstream
projects, were not placed in the root of the dist-git repo when proposing
changes downstream. (#1402)
Wed Oct 27 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.40.0-1
- Packit will deduce the version for SRPM from the spec file, if there are no git tags or action for acquiring current version defined. (#1388)
- We have introduced new options for generating SRPM packages: (#1396)
- `--no-bump` that prevents changing of the release in the SRPM, which can be used for creating SRPMs on checked out tags/releases.
- `--release-suffix` that allows you to customize the suffix after the release number, e.g. reference bugzilla or specific branch of the build.