Description: | Set of preproc macros to be used by rpkg utility. They
are designed to dynamically generate certain parts
of rpm spec files. You can use those macros also without
rpkg by:
$ cat <file_with_the_macros> | preproc -s /usr/lib/rpkg.macros.d/all.bash -e INPUT_PATH=<file_with_the_macros>
INPUT_PATH env variable is passed to preproc to inform
macros about the input file location. The variable is used
to derive INPUT_DIR_PATH variable which rpkg macros use.
If neither INPUT_PATH nor INPUT_DIR_PATH are specified,
INPUT_PATH will stay empty and INPUT_DIR_PATH will default
to '.' (the current working directory).
Another option to experiment with the macros is to source
/usr/lib/rpkg.macros.d/all.bash into your bash environment
Then you can directly invoke the macros on your command-line
as bash functions. See content in /usr/lib/rpkg.macros.d to
discover available macros.
Please, see man rpkg-macros for more information. |