Wed Dec 08 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.43.0-1
- A new `packit prepare-sources` command has been implemented for preparing
sources for an SRPM build using the content of an upstream repository.
- Packit now visibly informs about an ongoing cloning process to remove
potential confusion.
- The `upstream_package_name` config option is now checked for illegal
characters and an error is thrown if it contains them.
Thu Nov 25 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.42.0-1
- Running `post-upstream-clone` action in `propose-downstream` command was fixed.
This solves the issue for projects that generate the specfile during this action.
- New config option `env` has been added for specifying environment variables
used for running tests in the Testing Farm.
Thu Nov 11 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.41.0-1
- Packit now supports `changelog-entry` action that is used when creating
SRPM. The action is supposed to generate whole changelog entry (including
the `-` at the start of the lines) and has a priority over any other way we
modify the changelog with. (#1367)
- Fixed an issue, which raised an `UnicodeEncodingError`, when working with
dist-git patch files with an encoding other than UTF-8. (#1406)
- Backup alias definitions now reflect the official release of Fedora Linux 35. (#1405)
- We have introduced a new configuration option `merge_pr_in_ci` that allows
you to disable merging of PR into the base branch before creating SRPM in
service. (#1395)
- Fixed an issue, where spec-files located in a sub-directory of upstream
projects, were not placed in the root of the dist-git repo when proposing
changes downstream. (#1402)
Wed Oct 27 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.40.0-1
- Packit will deduce the version for SRPM from the spec file, if there are no git tags or action for acquiring current version defined. (#1388)
- We have introduced new options for generating SRPM packages: (#1396)
- `--no-bump` that prevents changing of the release in the SRPM, which can be used for creating SRPMs on checked out tags/releases.
- `--release-suffix` that allows you to customize the suffix after the release number, e.g. reference bugzilla or specific branch of the build.
Thu Oct 14 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.39.0-1
- Bug in Packit causing issues with local build when the branch was named with prefix rpm has been fixed. (#1380)
- We have added a new option to Packit CLI when creating Bodhi updates, you can use `-b` or `--resolve-bugzillas` and specify IDs (separated by comma, e.g. `-b 1` or `-b 1,2,3`) of bugzillas that are being closed by the update. (#1383)
Thu Sep 30 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.38.0-1
- `packit validate-config` was updated to check if files to be synced
downstream are present in the upstream repo and emit a warning in case they
are missing. (#1366)
- Patch files are read as byte streams now, in order to support having
non-UTF-8 characters. (#1372)
Fri Sep 17 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.37.0-1
- `packit source-git` init was updated to try to apply patches with `git am` first, and use `patch` only when this fails, in order to keep the commit message of Git-formatted (mbox) patch files in the source-git history. (#1358)
- Packit now provides `PACKIT_RPMSPEC_RELEASE` environment variable in actions. (#1363)
Wed Sep 01 2021 Jiri Popelka <jpopelka@redhat.com> - 0.36.0-1
- `status` command has been refactored and now provides much cleaner output. (#1329)
- A log warning is raised if the specfile specified by the user in the config doesn't exist. (#1342)
- Packit by default locally merges checked out pull requests into target branch. Logging for checking out pull requests was improved to contain hashes and summaries of last commit on both source and target branches. (#1344)
- `source-git update-dist-git` now supports using Git trailers to define patch metadata, which will control how patches are generated and added to the spec-file. `source-git init` uses this format to capture patch metadata when setting up a source-git repo, instead of the YAML one. To maintain backwards compatibility, the YAML format is still parsed, but only if none of the patches defines metadata using Git trailers. (#1336)
- Fixed a bug that caused purging or syncing upstream changelog (when not configured) from specfile when running `propose-downstream`. New behavior preserves downstream changelog and in case there are either no entries or no %changelog section present, it is created with a new entry. (#1349)
Mon Aug 09 2021 Tomas Tomecek <ttomecek@redhat.com> - 0.35.0-1
- Propose-downstream: log when a PR already exists downstream (#1322).
- `packit init` to set spec file path in the config if it's not defined (#1313).
- Make it possible to clone packages from staging dist-git (#1306).
- Source-git: squash patches by patch name - no need to have a dedicated attribute, `squash_commits`, for that (#1309).
- Source-git: look for the config file in .distro/source-git.yaml as well (#1302).
- Source-git: change logging from error to warning when %prep is not using setup (#1317).
Thu Jul 22 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.34.0-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild