Fri Apr 30 2021 Jiri Popelka <jpopelka@redhat.com> - 0.29.0-1
- Source-git: add info about sources to packit.yaml when initiating a new source-git repo
and don't commit dist-git sources from the lookaside cache. (#1208, #1216)
- Source-git: fix SRPM creation failing with duplicate Patch IDs. (#1206)
- Support git repository cache. (#1214)
- Reflect removed COPR chroots in a COPR project. (#1197)
- Deprecate current_version_command and create_tarball_command. (#1212)
- Fix crashing push-updates command. (#1170)
- Improve fmf/tmt tests configuration. (#1192)
Wed Mar 31 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.28.0-1
- Remove the no-op `--dry-run` option.
- Handle `centos-stream` targets as `centos-stream-8`, in order to help with the name change in Copr.
- `fmf_url` and `fmf_ref` can be used in a job's `metadata` to specify an external repository and reference to be used to test the package.
- Introduce a `fedora-latest` alias for the latest _branched_ version of Fedora Linux.
- Add a top-level option `-c, --config` to specify a custom path for the package configuration (aka `packit.yaml`).
- Source-git: enable using CentOS Stream 9 dist-git as a source.
- Source-git: rename the subdirectory to store downstream packaging files from `fedora` to the more general `.distro`.
- Source-git: fix creating source-git repositories when Git is configured to call the default branch something other then `master`.
Thu Mar 18 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.27.0-1
- (Source-git) Several improvements of history linearization.
- (Source-git) Detect identical patches in propose-downstream.
- (Source-git) Patches in a spec file are added after the first empty line below the last Patch/Source.
- Fetch all sources defined in packit.yaml.
- New option to sync only specfile from downstream.
Thu Mar 04 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.26.0-1
- Fix construction of the Koji tag for epel branches when running `packit create-update`. ([#1122](https://github.com/packit/packit/pull/1122))
- `create-update` now also shows a message about Bodhi requiring the password. ([#1127](https://github.com/packit/packit/pull/1127))
- `packit init` correctly picks up sources from CentOS and fetches specfile from CentOS dist-git. ([#1106](https://github.com/packit/packit/pull/1106))
- Fix translating of the target aliases by treating the highest pending version in Bodhi as `rawhide`. ([#1114](https://github.com/packit/packit/pull/1114))
- The format of Packit logs is unified for all log levels. ([#1119](https://github.com/packit/packit/pull/1119))
- There is a new configuration option `sources` which enables to define sources to override their URLs in specfile.
You can read more about this in [our documentation](https://packit.dev/docs/configuration/#sources). ([#1131](https://github.com/packit/packit/pull/1131))
Fri Feb 12 2021 Matej Mužila <mmuzila@redhat.com> - 0.25.0-1
- `propose-update` command now respects requested dist-git branches. ([#1094](https://github.com/packit/packit/pull/1094))
- Improve the way how patches are added to spec file. ([#1100](https://github.com/packit/packit/pull/1100))
- `--koji-target` option of the `build` command now accepts aliases. ([#1052](https://github.com/packit/packit/pull/1052))
- `propose-downstream` on source-git repositories now always uses `--local-content`. ([#1093](https://github.com/packit/packit/pull/1093))
- Don't behave as if `ref` would be always a branch. ([#1089](https://github.com/packit/packit/pull/1089))
- Detect a name of the default branch of a repository instead of assuming it to be called `master`. ([#1074](https://github.com/packit/packit/pull/1074))
Tue Jan 26 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.24.0-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_34_Mass_Rebuild
Thu Jan 21 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.24.0-1
- No user-facing changes done in this release.
Thu Jan 07 2021 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.23.0-1
- The `propose-update` has been renamed to `propose-downstream`; `propose-update` is now deprecated
to unify the naming between CLI and service. ([@jpopelka](https://github.com/jpopelka), [#1065](https://github.com/packit-service/packit/pull/1065))
- Our README has been cleaned and simplified. ([@ChainYo](https://github.com/ChainYo), [#1058](https://github.com/packit-service/packit/pull/1058))
- The :champagne: comment with the installation instructions has been disabled by default. ([@mfocko](https://github.com/mfocko), [#1057](https://github.com/packit-service/packit/pull/1057))
- More information can be found in [our documentation](https://packit.dev/docs/configuration/#notifications).
- Packit is being prepared to be released in EPEL 8 so it can be consumed in RHEL and CentOS Stream. ([@nforro](https://github.com/nforro), [#1055](https://github.com/packit-service/packit/pull/1055))
Thu Dec 10 2020 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.22.0-1
- `packit init` introduces the `--upstream-url` option. When specified,
`init` also sets up a source-git repository next to creating a configuration file.
- Don't rewrite macros when setting release and version in spec file.
- Fix generation of Copr settings URL for groups.
- Improve processing of the version when proposing a Fedora update.
Wed Nov 25 2020 Packit Service <user-cont-team+packit-service@redhat.com> - 0.21.0-1
- pre-commit autoupdate (Jiri Popelka)
- 0.21.0 release (Release bot)
- parsing git remote URL: inform what's happening... (Tomas Tomecek)
- Revert "Allow recursive search for specfile in repository" (Matej Focko)
- Regenerate test_data for recursive (Matej Focko)
- Allow recursive search for specfile in repository (Matej Focko)
- cli.copr-build: replace / with - (Tomas Tomecek)
- copr, log CoprException.result when creating repo fails (Tomas Tomecek)
- Delete recipe-tests.yaml (Jiri Popelka)
- Add build to default jobs (lbarcziova)
- Add test case for Upstream._fix_spec_source() (Nikola Forró)
- Fix SpecFile.get_source() (Nikola Forró)