Thu Oct 20 2022 Andrew Hughes <gnu.andrew@redhat.com> - 1:
- Update to jdk-19.0.1 release
- Update release notes to 19.0.1
Wed Sep 21 2022 Andrew Hughes <gnu.andrew@redhat.com> - 1:
- The stdc++lib, zlib & freetype options should always be set from the global, so they are not altered for staticlibs builds
- Remove freetype sources along with zlib sources
Tue Aug 30 2022 Andrew Hughes <gnu.andrew@redhat.com> - 1:
- Switch buildjdkver back to being featurever, now java-19-openjdk is available in the buildroot
Mon Aug 29 2022 Andrew Hughes <gnu.andrew@redhat.com> - 1:
- Switch to static builds, reducing system dependencies and making build more portable
Mon Aug 29 2022 Andrew Hughes <gnu.andrew@redhat.com> - 1:
- Update to RC version of OpenJDK 19
- Update release notes to 19.0.0
- Rebase FIPS patches from fips-19u branch
- Need to include the '.S' suffix in debuginfo checks after JDK-8284661
- Add patch to provide translations for Europe/Kyiv added in tzdata2022b
- Add test to ensure timezones can be translated
- Remove references to sample directory removed by JDK-8284999
Fri Jul 22 2022 Andrew Hughes <gnu.andrew@redhat.com> - 1:
- Update to jdk-18.0.2 release
- Update release notes to 18.0.2
- Drop JDK-8282004 patch which is now upstreamed under JDK-8282231
- Exclude x86 where java_arches is undefined, in order to unbreak build
Fri Jul 22 2022 Jiri Vanek <gnu.andrew@redhat.com> - 1:
- moved to build only on %{java_arches}
-- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Drop_i686_JDKs
- reverted :
-- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild (always mess up release)
-- Try to build on x86 again by creating a husk of a JDK which does not depend on itself
-- Exclude x86 from builds as the bootstrap JDK is now completely broken and unusable
-- Replaced binaries and .so files with bash-stubs on i686
- added ExclusiveArch: %{java_arches}
-- this now excludes i686
-- this is safely backport-able to older fedoras, as the macro was backported properly (with i686 included)
- https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2104125
Thu Jul 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 1:
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild
Tue Jul 19 2022 Andrew Hughes <gnu.andrew@redhat.com> - 1:
- Try to build on x86 again by creating a husk of a JDK which does not depend on itself
Sun Jul 17 2022 Andrew Hughes <gnu.andrew@redhat.com> - 1:
- Exclude x86 from builds as the bootstrap JDK is now completely broken and unusable