Description: | Apprise is a Python package for simplifying access to all of the different
notification services that are out there. Apprise opens the door and makes
it easy to access:
Apprise API, APRS, AWS SES, AWS SNS, Bark, Boxcar, Burst SMS, BulkSMS, BulkVS,
ClickSend, DAPNET, DingTalk, Discord, E-Mail, Emby, Faast, FCM, Flock,
Google Chat, Gotify, Growl, Guilded, Home Assistant, httpSMS, IFTTT, Join,
Kavenegar, KODI, Kumulos, LaMetric, Line, MacOSX, Mailgun, Mastodon,
Mattermost,Matrix, MessageBird, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Teams, Misskey,
MQTT, MSG91, MyAndroid, Nexmo, Nextcloud, NextcloudTalk, Notica, Notifiarr,
Notifico, ntfy, Office365, OneSignal, Opsgenie, PagerDuty, PagerTree,
ParsePlatform, PopcornNotify, Prowl, Pushalot, PushBullet, Pushjet, PushMe,
Pushover, PushSafer, Pushy, PushDeer, Reddit, Rocket.Chat, RSyslog, SendGrid,
ServerChan, Signal, SimplePush, Sinch, Slack, SMSEagle, SMS Manager, SMTP2Go,
SparkPost, Super Toasty, Streamlabs, Stride, Synology Chat, Syslog,
Techulus Push, Telegram, Threema Gateway, Twilio, Twitter, Twist, XBMC,
Voipms, Vonage, WeCom Bot, WhatsApp, Webex Teams |